Wellness ProgramsIn Orlando & Surrounding Cities
It is important to recognize that mobility, balance, flexibility, endurance, and function decreases with age.
These changes, can be minimized or reversed with appropriate exercise and activity. Research tells us that exercise is more important than ever for your body and mind. Benefits of exercise can be obtained without excessive stress on your muscles and joints. It’s about adding activity to your life, even in small ways.
Lake Centre for Rehab offers fitness designed just for you. If the gym is not your thing, a personal program in a clinic setting may be just what you need.
Med Fit & Personal Training
Med Fit Independent Work Out
If you wish to have the structure of a Personal Trainer but don’t require one-on-one training, Med Fit is the next step to a healthy, active lifestyle. Individualized classes are designed by our Exercise Physiologist but you train by yourself. Periodic adjustments to your training will be applied based on progress and goals. Dates and times will be scheduled prior to your first visit.
Med Fit Assisted Work Out
You’ve completed your therapy. Now What? You can return to Lake Centre for Rehab to continue and maintain your rehab program with the assistance of one of our Personal Trainers or Physical Therapy Assistants. Dates and times will be scheduled prior to your first visit.